Addressing pleasure gap - LOVE DEPOT
From the house of TTK, makers of Skore Condoms, Prestige, Woodwards, Eva & more
From the house of TTK, makers of Skore Condoms, Prestige, Woodwards, Eva & more From the house of TTK, makers of Skore Condoms, Prestige, Woodwards, Eva & more From the house of TTK, makers of Skore Condoms, Prestige, Woodwards, Eva & more

Addressing pleasure gap

Home > Pleasure School > Pleasure & Body > Addressing pleasure gap

In a world where men’s pleasure is often prioritized over women’s, we bring you a topic that deserves the spotlight – the Pleasure Gap. Get ready to dive into a realm of sexual satisfaction like never before, as we explore how to bridge the gap between partners’ pleasure. Gear up for a fresh new perspective on female pleasure from a man’s point of view.

Who is this for?

This video is tailor-made for all those who wish to understand the deep dynamics of female intimacy and those who want to put some effort into pleasing your female partners. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman or non-binary; this video is for anyone craving a deeper connection and mutual pleasure with their partner. Prepare to unlock the secrets of pleasure and take your bedroom escapades to the next level. Don’t miss out!

Introducing our Faculty: Dr. Prateek

Armed with a wealth of knowledge and a passion for understanding human sexuality, Dr. Prateek (@fertility_scribbles) is your go-to expert for embracing and exploring your desires. With his relatable persona and compassionate approach, he navigates the intricacies of sexual pleasures within relationships like none other. 



In the realm of pleasure, equality reigns supreme. Through heartfelt communication and daring exploration, you and your partner can dismantle the Pleasure Gap one bold move at a time. Let desire’s flames consume you and redefine satisfaction to create an intimate masterpiece where both partners take the spotlight.

Check out the toys featured in the video here:

If you are curious about the world of pleasure and wish to expand your pleasurable knowledge, be sure to tune in to The Pleasure School for more such sessions. 

About the Author

Dr. Prateek Makwana

Dr. Prateek Makwana is a Consultant Embryologist in A.R.T Department at the Vasundhara Hospital Ltd. He is a reproductive and sexual health expert.

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